Tuesday, April 12, 2011


PATRICIA NORMAN RACHAL has been writing since 1980 after converting to Christianity which resulted in radical changes in her life. She has been actively involved in church and church-related activities ever since. Part of her service to God was as church secretary. She has also worked in children's ministry, as a teacher, in prison ministry, and ministry to troubled young women struggling with addictions and abuse. 
     Currently due to health problems Patricia is not employed outside of home which has been a blessing in disguise by freeing some of her time to devote to writing. See her eBooks at Smashwords.com.

Regular Priced Books
Reflections of the Son .99
GhiAna's Jewels .99
Rhythms of Love .99
The Light in the Valley 6.99
Halloween: Hallowed or Heinous? 1.99

God's Glorious Symphony

All available at My Smashwords.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Colleen Wait
     Colleen Wait is married with 4 children. She has been very involved in her church's youth activities including children's musicals, Daughter's of the King, SonQuest and various other youth events. She recently was involved in a local mission trip with her church's youth group. She is an avid reader, especially the classics and began writing short stories in elementary school. 
     Colleen is also a runner who began racing 5K's in 2009. She did her first half-marathon March 2010, second February 2011. Her son Devin, has just completed tech school in the Air Force. His photograph graces the cover of 'Mount Mission'. 
     To date, Colleen has written and published 6 ebooks. Colleen says, "I write as the Spirit moves me. I have studied the Holy Spirit a lot lately and I'm learning to listen and obey. I have prayed about what I'm supposed to do with my life a lot. A lot. Writing. Writing is what I believe the Spirit is leading me to do. Whether or not He wants me to write for anyone to read is His business. A lot of my writing has been therapy for me so maybe I'm the only one who is supposed to read it." Connect with Colleen at Smashwords.com or ColleenWaitWrites.


Lori Hickox-Monjaras
     Lori makes her home in New Mexico, where she lives with her husband and two children. She teaches both middle school and college and has for over two decades. 
     Lori's first piece of published work came in 1995 when she collaborated with another author by writing a chapter in a book about media literacy. Five Weeks Into FAITH is the first Bible study that Lori has published, but you can read other pieces of her Christian writings at Seeds2Sow where she has been a regular contributor and at http://www.thoughts.com/3sisters1 where she has her own blog site. Included on Lori's 3sisters site is a 5 Weeks Into Faith Discussion Group. Buy the book at Smashwords.com and join the discussion to share how God is changing your life!

Monday, April 4, 2011


Debra Diaz
     Award-winning author Debra Diaz grew up in Memphis (US) and now lives in north Mississippi. She's written several novels in the historical fiction genre and one contemporary mystery for young readers. She has worked as a columnist and feature writer for a local newspaper, and between other jobs has owned and operated a writing service.
     To learn more about Debra Diaz see her web page at Smashwords.com.Debra's first book, Shadow of Dawn, was published in 2003 and is now available as an ebook. Others include Woman of Sin and Place of Peace, all with Christian themes. They are available at Amazon.com, Smashwords and many other online retailers. Her goal as a writer is to not only entertain, but to challenge and inspire! 
She may be found on the web at www.debradiaz.com.


Richard Cudlow
     Richard Cudlow was born in London in 1945 and attended Archbishop Tenison’s Grammar School in Croydon, where his interest in science and the unexplained was first awakened (thanks to Mr Pratt and the physics department). He went on to serve for twelve years in the Royal Air Force and throughout a full and varied working life has maintained a keen interest in human history.
     He has always been intrigued by questions that science seems to have difficulty in answering:
  • Why has it not been possible to measure the speed of the Earth, only estimate it?
  • When discoveries are made that contradict modern scientific thinking, why don’t they feature in the syllabus that is taught to students?
  • If human beings, centuries apart, wrote the Bible, how did they manage to incorporate its code?
     For personal entertainment, Richard has written a number of short stories, mainly for consumption by his children with three being broadcast by the UK’s South Coast Radio in 1993. He is currently researching a new novel, with a working title of The Overseer-Going For Gold, which will take the Overseer into new adventures in his quest to bring mankind back to the truth of its origins. Truths to be used by evil in its attempt to ruin Britain at the 2012 Olympics, while the Overseer, helped by his friend Dr Richards, exposes truths from the Scriptures to save the world from the Mayan Prophecy.
Find Richard Cudlow at Smashwords.com and  http://www.theoverseer.co.uk.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Jonathan Harvey
Throughout history people have asked themselves, “How can I find out more about the author of this book?” and then began to worry that someone heard them talking to themselves. Well, the author of Shades of Plaid doesn’t want anyone to worry like that. But, you notice, he still hasn’t told you who he is. By now, he should have told you that his name was Jonathan Harvey, that he is a Christian author and then maybe said something about having recently moved to Florida. The guy hasn’t even stated that he writes a web comic or anything like that… Oh wait, he just did. Well, that was sneaky.

Jonathan Harvey, author of Shades of Plaid, can be found at Smashwords.com.