Thursday, March 31, 2011


Marsha Williams
MARSHA WILLIAMS is a retiree who lives in Sun City CA. She attends the True Vine Pentecostal Church in Temecula CA, which is a thriving apostolic revival church pastored by Rev. Tom Durrance.
Ms. Williams has written five study manuals from the “Oneness” Apostolic Pentecostal perspective, which she has self published into spiral bound books and also sells on CD’s in PDF, which can be copied into a computer and then viewed and/or printed by using the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Her study manuals are at Smashwords, Amazon, B&N, eBay and on her website:


"My mother was widowed at 28 and moved back to live with her mother in a small Illinois town, along with me, 3, and my brother Jim, 6. I was in braces from polio. I was an avid reader and later discovered I could write, too. I studied journalism at Northern Illinois University and after graduation and Jim's death, was hired by Rupert Murdoch to work on his newspaper in Sydney. I discovered I loved travel more than writing and after a few years in Australia moved to Paris where I worked as a host in a private language school. Homesick for Sydney, I returned and joined Qantas Airways which took me to San Francisco where I founded a City magazine when my writing yearnings reappeared. I now live outside of Palm Springs where I have written a biopic of my mother, Too Early for Flowers in which I tell of her struggles not just to help me walk, but to inspire me to travel the world with a sense hope and adventure."


Loretta Ashford
Mrs. Loretta Ashford is a speaker, author, radio talk show host, and a woman who has weathered many storms in her life. Her vision is to empower and inspire anyone to rise to their full potential by being real and dealing with issues that are lying dormant to make room for their blessings. She is truly anointed of God to minister healing to the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and to preach the good news of what God has done for her to everyone she meets.
     Mrs. Ashford's second book Krazy Dum Stupid Faith Gets Results is a powerful tool to boost your faith to an extraordinary level. If you are ready for your life to be on display then you are ready for that Krazy Dum Stupid Faith. This kind of faith will become radical, relentless and rewarding. God has entrusted Mrs. Ashford with a magnificent gift of faith that has been tried and proven many times. When you hear her incredible heart stopping faith stories it will definitely move your faith to new level.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


CHRISTINE BROOKS MARTIN has been involved with intercessory prayer since 1992 and is media communications and production artist for Anointed Connection (A.O.C.O.) International Ministries in Los Angeles, California under the leadership of her pastor, Dr. Robbie Horton. She is an evangelist and serves on the intercessory prayer team of Women on the Frontline, as one of the facilitators of intercession for the daily national prayerline.

Find Christine Brooks Martin at

Monday, March 28, 2011


Richard L.Gray, Ph. D.,
Professor: Leadership and Christian Ministries
Asbury Seminary

After completing degrees at the Th. M. and Ph. D. levels in Christian Leadership and serving as National Director for Ethnic Leadership Development for both the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization and World Vision US Ministries, Dr. Gray came to Asbury Seminary in the fall of 1999 and helped establish the institutions Master of Arts in Christian Leadership which he now oversees as department head.  In addition to his service at Asbury Seminary, Dr. Gray serves as Executive Director of The Obsidian Society.   He and his wife (Coral) have two children (Andrew & Erica) and make their home on the outskirts of Lexington, Kentucky.

After completing a Master of Theology at Fuller Seminary, Mrs. Gray entered the Ph. D. program in Intercultural Studies at Asbury Seminary where she serves the Christian Leadership department as adjunct faculty.   Additionally, she serves on the National Board of Directors for both Ichuthus Ministries and The Obsidian Society.

Coral A. Gray
Adjunct Professor: Leadership Department
Asbury Seminary

Find Rick and Coral Gray at                                         


JEFF DOLES is a Christian writer and Bible teacher. His books include Miracles and Manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the History of the Church, Healing Scriptures and Prayers, and Praying With Fire: Change Your World with the Powerful Prayers of the Apostles. He and his wife Suzanne live near Tampa, FL.

Find Jeff's books at this link Jeff Doles at Smashwords. 
Other places to find him are Amazon, and other online booksellers.

In addition to writing, Jeff designs print books and covers and formats books for Kindle, epub and Smashwords.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


As I reflect on past years (the day before my big 60) I am amazed at what God has done. First of all, I survived sundry and interesting trials and temptations. I have been sick and healthy, falsely accused and rightfully accused, up and down, sad and happy, abused and nurtured, married and widowed, remarried and divorced and remarried, sinful and forgiven, and many, many more pros and cons and tos and fros and ins and outs. But the one thing I have never, ever been is neglected by God. He said He would never leave me nor forsake me and that, in fact, I cannot go to any place where His presence is absent. I serve an awesome God and I have no regrets in my decision to serve and follow Him all the days of my life. It is a fact that we were all assigned a time to be born and a time to die and that everything under the sun is in His hands and known about by our God of all wisdom who transcends time and matter and knowledge. He is all and by Him all things exist and consist.

The book I'm working on currently (hopefully to be published at by Summer) is Monumental Moments and is a 'diary' of sorts of time spent with God in His Word and in prayer. Reflecting on those times brings so many reminders of His goodness and faithfulness.
 Visit my webpage by clicking the link.